More than a Sunrise


Bear Rocks, Dolly Sods Wilderness West Virginia. High on a plateau overlooking east into the valley. This area is often overwhelmed with a swarm of headlamp wearing photographers arriving in early morning night to stake their claim for the perfect sunrise image - the same view 50-100 other photographers are taking.

This morning the fog and clouds hung thick with a brisk breeze from the west. The sunrise came and went but the thick cloud cover remained. No sunrise to photograph today. The herd heads down the rocky paths in defeat straight to their cars. Like cattle. Not once looking around to see other creative opportunities. Away they vanish into the mist of the forest service road. I seemed to be the only one left. Maybe 2-3 others out of an estimated 50+ photographers. I love fog and was looking to the west well before sunrise. I had a feeling there would be no sun. I felt exhilarated. Give me fog, mist, atmosphere, character. Something different to help make a unique image. I focused on this tree pushed by 25-35mph winds of cloud and fog. Over the next 20 minutes or so I studied and shot this one solitary tree pausing to wipe condensation from my lens every few shots. This tree has turned out to be one of my best selling images.

If you have a chance visit Dolly Sods Wilderness in WV. It's a 5 hour drive from Columbus. Nearby areas included Canaan Valley, Blackwater Falls, and the towns of Davis and Thomas. I may be talked into holding another workshop in the Fall.

Vincent Nobel